Connector Kit v3.2

41 (likes)
4974 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is a connector kit that includes the following clips, pegs and plugs for your 3D Printable gaming terrain. OpenLOCK Clips v5.4 DragonLOCK to OpenLOCK Clips OpenLOCK to InfinityLOCK Clips OpenLOCK Powered Clips OpenLOCK Magnetic Clips OpenPeg Connector Kit WOR Connector Kit   If we have missed anything that you think needs to be added to this kit please send us a message and we will review your request to be added to the Connector Kit!

About the author:
WorldsOverRun is a product line of Bad Tentacles Studios a division of Haldane Creations, LLC. We design amazing tabletop gaming terrain and miniatures for Sci-Fi, fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, D&D, Pathfinder and much more. Check us out at the following websites listed below!


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