Classic Spiderman

4 (likes)
484 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I'm very excited to release my Spiderverse themed toys for everyone to enjoy. This is a print in place flexi toy of the one and only Spiderman in his classic suit. This toy is designed to be printed with no supports. I've also included a multicolor .3mf file if you have access to a multicolor printer. This toy is offered free for personal use only, however, if you wish to sell printed versions please join our Patreon community to obtain a commercial license: you enjoyed this free model please consider some of the other models in the collection including Spiderman 2099, Venom, Miles Morales and of course, the one and only Spider Gwen/Ghost Spider. Now go forth and make something EXCELLENT!



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