Citadel paint pot to dropper bottle transferer

14 (likes)
296 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I made a supportless citadel paint holder to transfer into 15ml dropper bottles using included funnel in the common kits you can buy. Compatible bottles pictured for reference including dimensions.   Fairly easy to use, insert empty bottle, funnel and open citadel paint pot upside down and then flip it over and watch the magic. You can use flow improver, airbrush thinner or water to help first just mix a bit in.

About the author:
I'm Linton, a passionate creator from the land down under, Australia. My journey in the creative realm is a mashup of my true loves: 3D Printing, designing stuff, and gaming. With a solid background in architecture and over two decades of 3D modeling, I've cultivated a unique set of skills to bring to this collaboration. Gaming has always been at the core of my interests, and it naturally led me to the world of painting miniatures. What started as a hobby has evolved into a passion for crafting accessories and display cases to get the most out of and be able to enjoy the hard work that went into finishing a painted tabletop minature. I like pushing the envelope with my designs and getting as much out of my prints (and filament) as possible with minimised post production work whilst being functional and looking great.


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