Century: Spice Road Trilogy boardgame organizer

7 (likes)
1846 (views)
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Fit all of the Century trilogy in one box! Carry just one set of cubes with extra space to boot! Fits only unsleeved cards. Organizer helps you count all the pieces so you won't lose any. Century: Spice Road2x 1cards.stl2x 1coins.stl1x 1cubes.stl1x 1cubescap.stl Century: Eastern Wonders1x 2clipper.stl2x 2shipsoutposts.stl4x 2bigtiles.stl2x 2smalltiles.stl Century: A New World2x 3anewworld.stl2x 3cards.stlThe card holders should be printed with a narrow extrusion setting e.g. 0.35mm if you find them to be a bit too tight.



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