cassette case parts bins

6 (likes)
1836 (views)
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Inspired by other up-cycling of CD cases, I created this parts storage bin that can be used in old audio cassette tape cases. Since various manufacturers added ribs at different locations to support the audio cassette, I had to allow different cutouts along the top which may make is less desirable for thin parts in the version of the bin with the divider. Certainly, other divider configurations are possible, and the unneeded ribs and locating features could be removed from the case to maximize potential. The bins could be glued to the one half of the case if desired.

About the author:
RETIRED. Mostly consumer product plastic part design engineer for more than 25 years using 3D CAD software (Pro/Engineer/Creo, and SolidWorks). Worked at a prototyping company for over 10 years where they had multiple SLA machines, a Stratasys FDM, Carbon CLIP, and others. First used SLA parts back in the 1990's for prototyping and marketing site-models.


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