Caspian Sea monster KM

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197 (views)
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this is was one of many attempts by the Russians to create a ground effect vehicle. they planned on using these similarly to PT boats where they would race towards enemy ships and once at maximum range they would launch all their missiles and flee the model is from nottamun on 3d warehouse he has a whole lot of other models that i may port over

About the author:
This is purely a remix profile. All of my designs that I post here are almost certainly a remix of someone else's work. I either ported it over from Sketchfab or sketchup for 3d printing or they are modified versions of tinkercad and thingiverse models. I will strive to note who i took the initial model from but some of these i worked on several years ago so if you see your model and I didn't site you just message me your user name and the url that the model is on and i will site you.


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