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2429 (views)
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Dear all, also today we will give you a new project. This is a cans destroyer and it’s born thanks a collaboration with a no-profit company!The product: this is design in order to be print by every kind of 3d printer. The printing time is not fast at all, but at the end you will have an useful design.The no-profit company: the company is called “take the difference” thay are a group of people that works hard in order to clean beaches. If you want to join the team push the link here ( ) and subscribe. FOR MORE PROJECTS VISIT OUR WEBSITE. ( )  

About the author:
We offer every week a new project. Our dream is to make the world of 3d printers integrated with factories, for this reason we will create different kind of prototype every week. . . If you want everyday news about new projects follow us on instagram. @eidos3d


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