Buck Rogers Thunder Fighter Skid

5 (likes)
1861 (views)
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Add on Skid for "Aitor Baltziskueta" Buck Rogers Thunderfighter MOdel (Playmobil scale) This was my first model, and is a bit rough and ready and also requires Glue for one component on to the model, but then the "Skid" is removable.  Instructions to fit:1) position the Skid so that you know where the "dome" catch needs to be positioned to hold the skid in place (see photos).2) You then need to glue the round dome, onto the model (with super glue or epoxy glue), this will be the catch for the skid.3) Once glue is set, you should be able to clip the skid on/off the model as required, the angle and weight of the Thunderfighter model should hold it in place when it is standing. The model is supplied as complete or two part assembly (needs glue) to make printing easier. 



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