Bench PSU

17 (likes)
2473 (views)
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I had a spare 450w no name brand ATX PSU, so I turned it into a Bench PSU for projects.It is a standard setup with non variable outputs for 12v, 5.5v and 3.3v   Removing the PSU board from its original enclosure is extremely dangerous. Becareful please.   I have included a Fusion360 file, you can edit the mount posts on the panel to fit your own PSU board if it differs from my design.   The switch hole on the fan panel was made to fit the standard mains switch found on most entry level ATX power supplies.   Below are links to all the components used: Display :,searchweb201602,searchweb201603_ Banana Plugs :,searchweb201602,searchweb201603_ Banana Panel Mount:,searchweb201602,searchweb201603_ DC jack :,searchweb201602,searchweb201603_ Fuse Holder 5x20:,searchweb201602,searchweb201603_   Opening a power-supply is dangerous. Even if the power supply is off and unplugged there is still a very good chance that the capacitors have a very high charge stored in them. By modifying, removing the PSU board from its original enclousre or using my designed enclosure is done so at your own risk. If you are not sure on how to handle the psu board safely, please do a little research first for your own safety.      

About the author:
Tinkering, modifying things and problem solving are some of the things that make me who i am. I love to build things, come up with ways to over complicate the simplest of things and i have a bad habit of not keeping it simple. Oops ") If you like any of my designs, please consider gifting me a small donation, this would really help me out a lot :) Thank you for visiting my profile, you guys are awesome :)


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