
4 (likes)
2639 (views)
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I share with you this Becassine figure I've made for my mother's 75th birthday. When she was a little girl, my mother used to read every adventure of Becassine. It was her favorite french comics character. I know it is not an "current hero" and that this is old stuff for most of you, but I thought that a fews of you, "sweet age" friends who like vintages things, would appreciate it. Je partage avec vous cette figure de Bécassine que j'ai réalisée pour le 75e anniversaire de ma mère. Quand elle était petite fille, ma mère lisait chaque aventure de Bécassine. C'était son personnage de bande dessinée française préféré. Je sais que ce n'est pas une "héros actuel" et qu'il s'agit d'une vieille affaire pour la plupart d'entre vous, mais j'ai pensé que quelques-uns d'entre vous, compagnons d'un "âge respectable" qui aiment les antiquitées, l'apprécieraient.

About the author:
As an artist / sculptor, I focus on detailed and aesthetics creations. I use a virtual reality system to take advantage of my 3D skills using the "Meduim VR" software, sometimes mixing it with "Solidwork" or other 3D programs I know or learning, as "Blender" or "3ds max". I'm always happy to learn new things, it is the only way to stay alive and smart. I love 3d printing and I think this technology is certainly part of a future way of living. I'll do my best to share my ideas and artwork with you.


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