Battery saver

3 (likes)
691 (views)
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First, Happy new year to you all.   I designed this small tool to collect the energy from the used battery. They may still have more than 70% energy inside even you can not use them for normal cases. This simple device can rise the small voltage to 5 V which can be collected by a power station. Next time I will tell you how to make a power charger as well. Hope it will help you a little.  Save energy, save the earth, from ourselves now. Keep safe this time.

About the author:
Henry Wang
I am a former scientific researcher who usually worked in University and academic institutes. I am interested in making things using 3D printer. Since this April I worked alone at home. I am now focused on making improvement of household small things better use or invent some useful or dammy stuff which makes life happy. I will continuously upload my stuff here and upload videos on Youtube. Please check my youtube channel and subscribe. I will not fail you. Everything I designed has some unique new ideas which no one ever noticed yet. I will share it with you and wish you also share your experience with us. Make our world a better place. Hope you will have a nice day. subscribe to my channel


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