Bandu (Bausack) Tower Stacking Game

5 (likes)
4997 (views)
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Bandu is a fun stacking dexterity & strategy game with many ways to play. The goal in all of them is to build a tower using this collection of 34 different models of varying degrees of difficulty to stack.  Most variations of this game involve having beans (game money) and using them to bid other players into using hard parts and to bid for favorable pieces. Be sure to print these parts with a fine resolution and high perimeter & infill. You want them to be smooth and heavy. (PETG is heavier than PLA which is heavier than ABS) See custom section for detailed game rules.  Links to the official games as seen on Bandu: Bausack:  eSUN Filament boxes come with a hole in the back, making them a perfect game box: .

About the author:
Hi I'm Michael, I'm a hands-on mechanical engineer, technical writer, designer, tinkerer, husband, dog owner, and creator of Thingiverse's #1 group, "Engineering". I love discovering useful 3D designs and I share all my work for FREE! If you've enjoyed one of my models then please let me know and check out my blog where I share personal tips and free design resources!


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