Ball Screw Linear Actuator

19 (likes)
4248 (views)
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Working on a new project requiring (12) ballscrew actuators prompted R&D'ing cost effective solution.This led to many months of developing a 3D printed ball screw with an encoder and hardware cost of 35$/each. Multiple configurations posted for different travel lengths. Travel Configurations:125-200mm150-250mm175-300mm200-350mm Specifications:Designed around 0.125" (3.175mm) ball bearingScrew Pitch Diameter: 12mmScrew Pitch: 4.5mmActuation Speed: 23.1mm/sEncoder: 62.66667P/mmGearmotor: No Load 560RPM, 0.5A (See attached observations)Force: 105N @ 1.0A (assuming 75%e)Force: 367N @ 2.4A (assuming 75%e) I have not tested linear force simply because I don't have appropriate hardware to do so. At 1.5A, I am unable (or unwilling) to stop the actuator by hand in compression. Further testing will happen as I utilize the design. Example of encoder/pid positioning: Further Details:



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