Atomic Heart Sisters Heads

4 (likes)
89 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Had the action figure downloaded for a while and thought about trying to make a chaos armiger with the chest but never figured out how to make it. But, while looking at the models this idea Just popped up. I tried to make them compatible with multiple different 3d models so they are split up by what they are compatible with. This also serves as a test for some free promotional models that I'm going to release in the future. So to step back a bit a few of my friends and I are working on a proxy for the sister's paragon warsuits (last 2 images). It will be built from scratch and our hope is to fund the project via Kickstarter. We're still fairly early on but when the Kickstarter is in pre-release and finally drops (whenever that is) I'll be releasing several free promotional models. All of which were scratch built. Signup for email updates Original models

About the author:
This is purely a remix profile. All of my designs that I post here are almost certainly a remix of someone else's work. I either ported it over from Sketchfab or sketchup for 3d printing or they are modified versions of tinkercad and thingiverse models. I will strive to note who i took the initial model from but some of these i worked on several years ago so if you see your model and I didn't site you just message me your user name and the url that the model is on and i will site you.


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