Articulated Neck Joint

4 (likes)
2386 (views)
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An articulated neck joint that fits between Sophie's shoulders and the base of her head. It is double jointed and has 360 degree rotation. (((PLEASE NOTE: if you are going to use this joint with Sophie's body, then don't bother printing out the neck that comes with Sophie's v2 head, because that is just a hollow case with no articulation.))) This neck joint is designed to use 2 x steel M8 40mm long bolts and 2 x M8 nuts. The ball bearing in the base of the neck uses 6mm plastic BB gun pellets. The joint looks a bit thin on it's own so I used some fabric from an old white pillowcase and some white ribbon to bulk it up and disguise it a bit. The joint will move just fine as long as you don't bind it too tightly. UPDATED 22-07-2019 Modified the joint so that the M8 bolt heads are recessed. This makes it much easier to tighten and loosen using a socket wrench.



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