Artemision Zeus

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When the bronze original was discovered in the sea it held nothing in its raised right hand. Thus, we cannot know whether it shows the sea god Poseidon, who would be holding a trident, or Zeus, ruler of the gods, brandishing his thunderbolt. The figure is a prime example of the stringent classical style that marks the transition from Archaic stiffness with its familiar stereotypical smile towards a greater range of expression, as is evident here where we see the body captured at the moment before the deity’s anger and strength is released in his throw. This figure, alongside several other works from the Royal Cast Collections, were given as a gift to theCAFA art academy in Beijing in 2008 to replace the figures that had been smashed during the cultural revolution of the 1960s. The casts have been used in drawing classes at the academy, a tradition that continues in China and Japan long after it has disappeared in Europe. - Henrik Holm, senior research curator at SMK   This is a 3D scan of a plaster cast of the sculpture ‘Zeus or Poseidon from the Artemision’ dated circa 460-450 BCE. The scan is made from the cast (ref. KAS2100) in The Royal Cast Collection at SMK – National Gallery of Denmark. This is a downscaled (ca. 10 mb) version. To read more about the 3D scans of casts in The Royal Cast Collection and download all the high ress 3D models go to: If you produce new work with the model and want to share it with us, drop us a line at [email protected]

About the author:
SMK - Statens Museum for Kunst
The Statens Museum for Kunst (National Art Museum of Denmark) was founded in 1849 when the Danish royal collections became property of the people. Today we at SMK want to contribute to building a more creative and reflective society that values its history and cherishes difference.


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