Apple Pencil Camera Clip

3 (likes)
209 (views)
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Are you a passionate photographer spending a lot of times on your iPad. Look nowhere else for an excellent way to customize your Apple pencil!The Camera Apple Pencil clip for your Apple Pencil is compatible with the 1st and 2nd generations. The design is perfectly compatible with magnetic charging. Moreover, it will stop your Apple pencil from rolling over when on a flat surface. Thanks for checking out this clip - be sure to check my other creations for more cool designs you might like! Please, tag me on Instagram or TikTok (@Holoprops); I would be thrilled to see your prints!   IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that a Creative Commons Non-Commercial License protects all of my designs on MyMiniFactory Store. This means that you cannot sell 3D prints based on my designs. Thank you for your comprehension. Happy printing!

About the author:
Your Gaming World, Reimagined with a 3D Printer! Follow me into Top-tier 3D Printed Decor for a Unique and Immersive Gaming Setup.


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