Small Medieval Town Terrain

152 (likes)
9685 (views)
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This model so far is digital only - the grouping is only for file size, not for printing. I will put the (ungrouped) files in the TownBuilder Community Library sometime the next weeks when I find the time for it, under the Creator Name Fin. As well as some of the buildings that didn't make the cut :) I wanted to get into building a larger terrain as a challenge (and an act of hubris in the face of my internet connection) - the result is this medieval-ish small town terrain complete with a gate house, church, tavern and as many buildings as I could cram in there without my computer combusting.I combined several buildings in Blender to assemble the town in full and take the pictures. Base is a large File with the ground level and the foundations (and sometimes first floor) of the buildings - the higher levels were added in Blender from seperate files.   You approach the City Gates - behind them a small town lies open for your adventures. Will you topple a ruthless politician? Discover horrible secrets in the crypt beneath the old church? Get mixed up in the dealings of the cirminal underworld? Will you find love? Enemies? Friends? A nice new sword to murder-hobo your way through the carefully crafted campaign of your DM? - Or will you simply rest in the homely tavern, enjoy a keg of ale and listen to tales, both old and new? 

About the author:
A total noob in 3D printing - don't even own a printer jet - and an intermediate noob in 3D modeling. But.. we all have sto start somewhere, right?


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