Mt Shasta 10km Collectible Mountain

19 (likes)
4015 (views)
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At 14179 ft, Mt Shasta, the southern most peak of the Cascade range towers over its surrounding plain. It is the iconic volcano and a destination for thousands of hopeful climbers every year. The photo shows (on the left) it printed in .3mm slices, and (on the right) in .1mm slices. Sliced in Makerware, printed on a FlashForge using ABS. This is part of my series of "collectible mountains". All the models in this series are rendered at 1:100000. The model represents an area 10km x 10km. The bottom of the model sits at sea level so the different mountains can be accurately compared. Have you even wondered just how much bigger Everest is than Mt Shasta? Now you can hold them both in your hands and compare.Complete instructions on how to make models from digital elevation data can be found on my blog at



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