Model of Egyptian Tower House

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In addition to the finds made by the early excavators, several limestone column drums are still today dotted across the village of El Baradany and were recorded by Coulson as part of the American survey at Naukratis. Column and possible pavement fragments were also collected by Leonard in the eastern part of Naukratis. Of the painted wall-plaster encountered by the early (and later) excavators in many areas of the site, few examples survive, including some fragments of the meander and stars-within-square designs that E.A. Gardner (1888, 31) recorded as having been painted on fine hard stucco on the inside walls and pillars of the sanctuary of the Dioskouroi. We may also note that wells were excavated in different parts of the site, constructed in a number of different ways and using a variety of different materials. Architectural models from Naukratis give a further impression of the architectural styles that might once have been present at the site, including Egyptian naos models as well as models of tower houses, which recent magnetometry survey suggests was a common house form at Naukratis.

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Scan The World
Scan the World enables metaReverse with a conscience; an ecosystem for everyone to freely share digital, 3D scanned cultural artefacts for physical 3D printing.


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