Hogwarts Castle - East Wing, Section 1

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12662 (views)
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Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! This model was created by MiniWorld 3D collaborator Alexis Hudson from @alectrodesign. This is only one part of many that will eventually recreate whole castle grounds. Depicted here is the East Wing section that includes the two Bell Towers, the Long Gallery, and the Central Tower. This has been scaled to match our other previously published part of Hogwarts, which depicts the Great Hall and Great Staircase Tower on the West Wing. MiniWorld 3D is excited to bring this magical model to life to all Harry Potter series fans. Please give credit, it's all about spreading culture and education! Be sure to follow us: instagram.com/miniworld3d instagram.com/alectrodesign/   MiniWorld 3D is a collective of 29+ artists creating the best library of 3D printable models of landmarks of the world!     Print photos by Alexis Hudson.

About the author:
Celebrating TEN YEARS! 3D printing • Education • Architecture • World Culture 60+ authors have contributed. If you make models like this, join us! Founded & led by Mexican designer Dany Sánchez.


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