Bebop Landing Gear

10 (likes)
4282 (views)
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LandingGearULLR - Print 2 copies. For the upper-left and lower-right legs.LandingGearURLL - Print 2 copies. For the upper-right and lower-left legs. Starting with the 7th image in the gallery: After printing the 2 halves of the landing gear, take a standard pushpin and remove the plastic part (break it off) and then cut off the sharp end of the pin so you'll be left with an 11mm rod. Glue the 2 halves together with the pin in the channel as shown. (Image 8) You'll need 4 4.8mm zip ties as the springs and 4 2.2mm zip ties for securing the assembly to the bebop legs. (Image 9) Insert the 4.8mm zip tie through the landing gear as shown. Pull the zip tie until the buckle pops in the the recess. (Image 10) Curl the tip of the zip tie as much as possible. Loop it around and to the other end of the landing gear and insert it into the slot and push until the tip comes through it's buckle (Image 11). If the tip is not curled enough it will not go through. Curl it tighter and try again. (Image 12) Pull the zip tie through until the desired size spring is achieved. Cut the excess tie at the buckle. (Image 13) Remove the rubber feet and insert the appropriate landing gear post through the hole at the bottom of the leg. Use the 2.2mm zip tie to secure the assembly as shown.



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