3D4KIDS: Polygon Dissections

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1466 (views)
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This is part of the series of 30 exercises developed during the 3D4KIDS program. One of the aims of this Erasmus+ program is to improve the knowledge of teachers regarding the 3d printing technology by developing some specific training materials. More info in the website: https://www.3d4kids.eu/ The activity is about making some polygons with the given pieces. The same pieces may form several polygons. This is known as dissection. There are 4 possibilities given as examples:- Two triangles to square- Dodecagon to square- Hexagon to square- Hexagram to triangle (two versions)  

About the author:
3D4KIDS Erasmus + European Union program project The 3D4KIDs project aims to create innovative education using a specific industrial technology which creates physical objects using digital models. More info in the webpage.


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