3D Printing Nerd Submission - Adjustable / Multi Use Spool Holder

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This is a design for the 3D Printing Nerd Spool Holder competition.  It will fit Imperial 1x2" boards separated vertically by 9 1/2".  The pair of rear panels mesh together to provide an adjustable width to allow installation without adjusting spools on the rack.  The front panel has a mounting hole for spool cylinders ranging from a small Taulman spool, a standard 1KG spool and even a large 5KG spool.      Installation instructions: 1.  Slide the left and right rear panels together as far as they will go. 2.  Insert the required spool cylinder that best fits the filament being used in from the rear of the front panel. 3. Slide the front panel over the rear panel fully. 4. Adjust the left and right panels outward to fit within the spools on the shelf.  5.  Slide the complete assembly down over the pair of support boards and seat fully. 6. Install the spool of filament and start printing.



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