30 (likes)
4587 (views)
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This vise is specially designed to expand the potential of a Prusa printer by allowing it to work the different sides of an object,in a similar way to the CNCs. The level of the tight piece  can easily be controlled by moving manually the extruder with softwares like pronterface. In the presentation images there is an example of possible usage: I printed a 'P' on the surface of a pepper mill made of hard plastic (there is also a video of the printing phase in the attached material folder). But printing on other objects is just one of the ways to use this system: it can be an easy way to circumvent undercuts, splitting an object in two and printing one side over the other, with this method is it possible to print perfect spherical shapes! I will test the possibility to weld together different pieces by printing a bridge between them or create a hinge with flexible materials.  NOT PRINTED ELEMENTS: - 1  M10 X 250mm screw - 2  M10 nuts - 2  M10 washers - 2  M3 X 20mm screws - 2  M3 nuts - n  M3 bolts depending on the way you fix the base to the printing plate or frame. (optional for bite extensions) - 4  M3 X 20mm screws - 4  M3 nuts  Soon I will publish a guide to allow the print to start printing at a desired Z coordinate (Cura slicer). I understand that the calibration and printing process can be complex but in future a firmware extension for this system, could make the job a lot easier! Work is still in progress! stay tuned!

About the author:
MSc Mechatronic engineering student Mechanical engineering bachelor. 3D modeling expert with main CAD softwares: Siemens NX Solidworks AutoCAD Expert in topology optimization with: Altair Solidthinking Inspire 3D printing related softwares: Autodesk Netfabb Meshmixer Cura


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