3d Pinting Nerd Spool Holder Conttest.

4 (likes)
1325 (views)
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This is an entree into Joels Spool holder design contest. In Febuary I took the plunge and bought a 3d printer (thanks Joel, Angus and Tomas...you know who you are lol.). I have never designed anything before so bear with me. All the spool holders for Joel's contest I have seen so far are top mount holders this is the first bottom mount one I have seen for the contest. Its not pretty but will work very well. I tried my hand at Tinkercad  and after several drafts and mock ups came up with this.( This is version 9 for those of you playing the home game). It's a 2 piece print the frame and the slider. It is meant to hook on underneaththe 1 by 2, pull foward, then down and finally slide the looking piece in. It will probbly hold a baby elephant if printed with a PETG pr ABS. It was printed with 2 shells and 10% infill and has no problem holding up a kilo spool of filiament. I do want to thank you Joel for giving people like me the desire to create something I never thought I would even be able to to dream of months ago. High Five!



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