D-LI90 USB Charger v2

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Redesigned version of my previous D-LI90 USB charger. Output should be enough to charge a smart phone but I wouldn't recommend trying to charge a tablet with it. Uses the charging circuit http://www.ebay.com/itm/271176654695?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 with the terminal block removed. This one is cheaper and easier to assemble than the previous version, but also charges slower. Requires support material to print. The support material may be difficult to remove. Instructions I used solid copper wire from an ethernet cable for the contacts, you may need to clear out the holes for the contacts with a sewing needle. Sizing of the bottom cover may need to be tweaked to get a good fit. I'd recommend gluing it in. Alternatively, you can use Suguru to fill in the base instead.

About the author:
3D printing addict. Printing with an Eustathios and Rigidbot 3D printers.


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