Candlestick Phone

67 (likes)
6013 (views)
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My School is doing a play and needed an old style phone so after a quick bit of designing, here it is. An old style Candlestick phone. the only bit that needs high infill would be the 'rest', everything else you can lower the infill on. It all slots together (used a bit of glue on the 'rest' to 'stem' joint for strength) as kids would be using it if any part broke I can easily reprint a new piece. printed on an UpBox.

About the author:
Working in a school as a Design and Technology Technician user of Fusion 360, Creo Parametric, Meshmixer, Sculptris, and 2D design. Learning Blender which has quite a learning curve. I have an Up Plus2 and an Up Box (Build size 255x205x205mm) Open to ideas and suggestions for designs.


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