Radcliffe Camera

130 (likes)
8139 (views)
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Designed by James Gibbs in the 18th Century, Radcliffe Camera is one of the most iconic buildings of the Oxford University, sited to the south of the Old Bodleian. As the entrance to the oldest libraries in Europe with over 12 million books and one of the six legal deposit libraries in the whole UK, one can only admire the knowledge stored within this picturesque round dome. As a student here at Oxford University, I’ve never properly used the library throughout my entire study (Well, I probably should). But every time I walk past this building, seeing through the windows students studying hard while going through their endless supplies of red bulls, I am always impressed by their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Radcliffe Camera has nurtured and facilitated the development of many world leaders and academic titans throughout history. Having a 3D printed model on my table reminds me that we are not only standing on the shoulders of giants but through hard work, we can potentially help shape the future. The original model was created with features as high res as 0.4 mm vertically. To fully print out all the features as designed, the print resolution should be at least 0.2 mm. However, for certain areas, 0.1 mm is recommended unless you increase the scale of the print. Support structure is recommended for the second tier of the building (where the column is). First tier and the round dome does not require any support structure. The model you see on the photo is printed using FilamentPM’s Marble Jet filament (1.75 mm), printed with 0.1 mm layer height and 30% infill. Updates:- v1.2 - Fixed the alignment of the pins on the third floor

About the author:
Hello makers, It is my hobby to design and make objects that make my day-to-day living simpler. I'm enthusiastic about making 3D printable model machines and functional tools for both specialised and everyday use. I believe that 3D printing is the future of manufacturing that is capable of delivering innovative solutions, restructuring the global supply chain, and increase production efficiency and reduce wastes.


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