Tesla's "Valvular Conduit"

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5630 (views)
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This is #1,329,559 US, “Valvular Conduit,” issued 1920, with a twist.  Specifically, a 90 Degree twist. Ultimately the resistance goes in only one direction, but this is NOT a valve replacement.  This is a proof-of-concept that adding additional axes increases the flow resistance (and, as it turns out it does!).  This sort of conduit works best with fluids that have an impulse, and the greater the impulse the greater the resistance to backflow.  Watch for more physics gimmicks coming in the next few days.  

About the author:
Husband of 1, Father of 4, builder of random unrelated things. I've been a hobbyist in 3D media for years, these days largely confined to toys for my kids and physics demos.


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