scott oiler mount

1 (likes)
3952 (views)
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Designed this for a friend for his BMW GS800. He wanted to mount the Scott Oiler on the underside of the frame and didnt want to pay the high price BMW wanted for the part, so I made him this. It mopunts to the frame with 2 cable ties passed through 2 of the inner channels and around the frame. THen just repeat this with 2 more cable ties in the other 2 channels to the oiler itself.  Prints well with PET-G, ABS and PLA. Although I would suggest the PET-G for strength and if not ABS. ALso when completes we used silicone sticky dots to add a little vibration absorbtion and shock resistance. 4 x 3mm dots, 2 at each end on each side of the support areas. This also stops water getting trapped between the frame and the holder. Buld settings Layer height: 100 microns Print speed: 30mm outer shells: 3 Infill: 20% using brick or hex for strength worked best amount of material: approx 60grams Time: 6.5 hours.   Yould easily reduce the resolution and increase the print speed but i wanted a really solid finish and this got it spot on. (can easily stand on it with my full weight whe i use the PET-G. I can adjust it to fit any frame or increase/decrease the offsett between the component and the frame (within certain limits. Also can make it to fit the diameter of any frame for a totally snug fit...just ask :)   Hope it helps and saves you some pennies :)

About the author:
Im Ricky. I have been dabbling with 3D printing for 2 years now and it has been a great journey and I am happy to be part of this new phase in technology from its earliest stages. I have made many of my own componenets and prototypes for fun and work. My modelling skills are definitely more towards the engineering side rather than the artisitic. I love a new challenge and am happy to talk to anyone what has any questions or is interested in collaborating etc. :)


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