Replacement hinge for Sony MDR-XB950B1

91 (likes)
11900 (views)
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This is a replacement hinge for my Sony MDR-XB950B1, but the same or similar assembly can be found on many other Sony headsets. In order for you to be able to put on the smaller part you will need to cut out two V shaped piece of plastic and reroute the cable. In one of the closeup pictures you can see the the rerouted cable. The fix itself is pretty easy, I have made whole for every screw. If the one of the printed parts brake you can simply replace the one which broke. I suggest printing both parts with at least 3 perimeters and print the bigger part on its side horizontally. Use the strongest material that you have. I only have PLA and it has broken a few times for me but since then I have made changes to the geometry. There is two version of the big part, one is for right and one is for the left.



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