Replacement Faceplate for Pyle PLMR24 Speakers

2 (likes)
2017 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

I purchased a pair of Pyle PLMR24 speakers from Amazon a little over a year ago. Despite the blatant lies in the description - see my review for those here - the speakers sounded pretty good in my old pickup truck. Unfortunately, one of the speakers developed a bad connection that seems to be in the speaker itself. Rather than buy another set, I decided to use a set of speakers I had on hand - a pair of 3x5" oval speakers. Since they obviously weren't going to fit in the original faceplate, what else would a maker do? Design and print your own! This should go without saying but... the photo with the white faceplate is the original, whereas the one with the black faceplate is the 3d printed version. If you are just replacing the faceplate on the original enclosure, you only need the _grill and the _lid STLs, but I have also included a model of the original enclosure as well if you'd like to print the entire thing. I didn't include a wire passage in the enclosure because the original utilizes a dual-conductor, spring-clip block and I figured it'd be easier to just run a wire through a hole in the case. I decided to leave that method up to you the builder.

About the author:
I am a self-proclaimed know-it-all. I will tackle any project regardless of my experience, or lack thereof. Always ready to learn something new. With over 25+ years experience in electronic repair and 10+ years experience in small engine / ATV / motorcycle repair, there is nothing I can't fix, modify or build. Why a pepper? In case anyone is curious as to why there is a hot pepper embossed into most of my designs... My nickname is Pepper and that little pepper logo is a hell of a lot shorter than "Copyright © 2017 by Derek J.G. Tombrello" which is how I usually sign my work :D If you would like to donate using bitcoin, you can do so via my address: 1DdWx5E86iQsVam361q3T4qMGKXdGBRCxx I can now accept donations using dogecoin as well. That address is: DEKT6CjdR3uAKQjmiGteTAg8gvKphY9tw5


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