Mercury Outboard Throttle Lever Part# 44425

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4033 (views)
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This is a temporary replacement Lever Throttle for an outboard motor. (Mercury Part# 44425) Apparently this is a common part to break resulting in no throttle from your outboard. I made this as a temporary fix to get me back on the water while I wait for the replacement piece that I had to order. (If I were to use it for longer periods of time I'd probably put a sleeve over the screw threads to avoid wear of the mating throttle linkage.) I tried to beef it up a bit from the original one and I used a 6mm x 35mm? (give or take a few mm's?) bolt I had laying around as the post so it would stronger than trying to print that. (I did tap the hole in the print prior to inserting the screw.) I printed this in ABS at 90% infill and only plan on using it temporarily until I get the replacement but so far it's worked perfect and will be worth keeping in the boat as a extra. Anyway.... It's a long shot posting this as to if anyone finds it useful but I tried searching for one (with no luck) before designing this so maybe this will save someones day out on the water too.   If you have any questions or problems with the files or fitment of the parts just let me know and I will try to fix them. Remember to pledge your waiters designers if you like the service.... thanks for looking



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