iRobot Create Bin for Arduino with Raspberry Pi A+, B+ or 2.

6 (likes)
4434 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This CAD is for a bin bottom with hole patterns for Arduino and a Raspberry Pi with HAT-standard holes compatible with A+, B+ or the new Raspberry Pi 2. To find projects for your iRobot Create:

About the author:
iRobot STEM
iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference. When it comes to STEM, iRobot is committed to building a future for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education in the United States. Our multi-faceted outreach program is a resource for students, parents and educators to share in our excitement for the robotics industry and get an inside look at what we do here. Introducing the Create 2 Programmable Robot, now you have the tools to build a real robot.


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