Fuel Can Seal Cap

24 (likes)
4775 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Have you ever gone to fill up your fuel cans and wound up losing the black plastic seal cap that fits above the nozzle when it is inverted in the tank and below the threaded cap? I own a small ranch, and constantly need to use my fuel cans. As such, I lose these little buggers all the time! Now, the cans should seal just fine as long as you leave the nozzle out in the "fill" position rather than stowed away in the "storage" position, but this is not always the case. I can't tell you how many times I went to grab a fuel can that I knew was full of gasoline, just to find out that despite the nozzle being in the fill position, the valve had failed and all of my fuel evaporated out of the can. So, to avoid any further aggravation I reverse engineered the cap, and designed it so that we can all simply print new seals! - Jim Kott

About the author:
I am a tinkerer! I always have some project going on one way or another. I have a few years experience with Autocad, and just a little bit of 3D design experience. I have quite a bit of experience with FlexiSign Pro, a vector software that I use mainly to create vinyl graphics. I own a small ranch in Colorado, and I have wanted to get into 3D printing for awhile now, mainly to help fix odd little things here and there on the property.


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