Folding pedal for bicycle

27 (likes)
4733 (views)
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Back in 2016, I broke the pedal on my folding bike. Yep, it was a folding pedal, and I could not find another one online to buy a replacement. So design one. Well, the metal shaft was still OK, so it was only the plastic stuff that had disintegrated and I lost the spring in it. Easy enough: just copy the other pedal, well, sort of. The pedal needs a spring (about 9-10mm OD by about 50mm long), to keep it locked in position when pedalling. I did create a plastic spring, but it really did not have the strength to be 100% reliable and was really hard to print using a filament machine. It might well be much better in another material, like the plastic used in Sinterit Lisa. The original design has 2 of 30mm long by 3mm diameter bolts, to lock in the bearing block into the frame. Slide the bearing block into the frame before putting in the bolts. Now, if I was designing just for the Sinterit Lisa, I'd remove the bolts (and the holes), add two locking blocks to the bearing block where the bolts go, and print the frame and the bearing block in position (similar to what is in bike-pedal-all.stl). If anyone wants this design, add a comment, and I'll put in the effort to create it. However, I see little demand for this rather unique object, and most people are likely to only have access to filament printers anyway, so I'll put off doing anything more until requested.

About the author:
Tinkerer Own a Cocoon: FDM 200x200x200mm plastic Own a MakiBox: FDM plastic Making a RB3DP: see Own a 101hero: FDM delta 100mm plastic Rebuilt old Kossel mini clone, glass plate=smooth Couple of Cocoon Create Mod Makers Rebuilding old RepRap orthogonal


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