Barista Coffee Machine Knock Box For Coffee Grounds

21 (likes)
6332 (views)
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If you own a Barista style Coffee Machine you will appreciate this design. It's made to work with common 54mm coffee grounds holders. The design has a thick upper section to make it withstand solid hits to clear the coffee grounds. The Knock Box is deep enough to catch a generous double shot and has a diameter allowance to ensure you don't easily miss catching all the waste coffee. There is also a handle to hold when 'knocking' and clearing the coffee grounds. This is also convenient when emptying the Knock Box. Please read the print settings for recommendations to make this a strong print that will withstand lots of firm knocks... Note: If you like this check out the rest of my practical and fun designs... and share images of your prints!

About the author:
Designer of all sorts of fun and practical things!


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