Motor Gearbox Reduction 1:6.5

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7115 (views)
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how to assemble the gearbox: This is a gearbox for various motors. I designed the gearbox to test how durable 3D printed gears are. So the test is a part of a bigger project that I am working on. Maybe someone will find this project usefull. It's Easy to print and assemble and the gearbox runs really good.The gearbox has a reduction of about 1:6.5. This gives you a higher torque - 1. gearstage 15 to 35 teeths --> ratio of 2.33- 2. gearstage 15 to 42 teeths --> ratio of 2.80 ==> ==> You coud use it with DC or Brushless motors with a mount diagonal of 19mm or 16mm or you could add other holes. additional parts:- 1x Motor- 2x M3 or M2 countersunk screws for motor- 2x M3x10mm countersunk screws for case- 1x M2x6mm screw- 2x M2 screws to fix the gears gear- 1x 3mm axis or M3x10mm screw- 2x bearing 623zz 3x10x4mm- 1x bearing MR63zz 3x6x2.5mm I hope to see a lot of your Makes!———————————————————————————— Website:

About the author:
We are a small, but very creative team, that designs different projects from electronic, 3dprinted or laser cutted components. You will find more information about us under or


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