Under The Sea - Base Props

12 (likes)
238 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

Under The Sea is a theme chosen by my Patreon Community.  This set contains: Some underwater/sea-themed props With the exception of the chests, all models are unsupported, this is by design. These models were designed with digital kitbash in mind so that you can make your bases, however, if you wish to print them and glue over the base and add sand and some other pieces it could work great. If you liked this model consider subscribing to Imagine Minis Tribes, Patreon, Apoia.se, or follow me on Instagram. Patreon Imagine Minis Instagram • @imagine.minis Apoia.se/imagineminis

About the author:
Digital Sculptor of 32mm scale Fantasy models warcraft inspired.


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