Trench Battle Board Framework

16 (likes)
590 (views)
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This is a very simple design i've been working on to make some gameboard with actual depth to the trenches. Designed to be 3D printed on a minmum of 8x8" FDM printers (With options for larger printers). This is in no way connected to by Tribes and professional designs, which is why im releasing it for free. It's also incredibly simple and undetailed because i intentionally didn't put a lot of effort into detailing it to make it easily customizable.  Currently, there is only (4) 24x24" boards in the pack with various trench designs to create a somewhat balanced, but asymetrical battlefield for skirmish games. Each one is designed to be rotated and match up at predetermined points for modularity. The trenches are roughly 2" deep to play with Trench Crusades rules nicely.  In terms of actually printing these things, i highly reccomend going with the smallest amount of infil and top layers as you're comfortable with to save on filament and increase printing speed. All seams and printing errors are designed to be covered in texture paint anyway, so quality isn't really the aim.  As for assembling these boards, i highly reccomend using tape to secure each piece together over the seams (you can even texture paint right over the top of the tape to further hide sames). For glue, I wouldn't use anything but this or something similar, its simply just the more economical approach as you don't want to buy 15 bottles of tiny super glue: Also included are a couple sandbag walls designed to work with the top of the trenchs, trench stairs, and a 'endcap' for trenchs.  I will not be providing ongoing professional support for this project, but feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions/idea (comments on listing generally dont send me notifications, so i tend to miss them). I might expand this in the future as i have more layouts/designs/ideas for it, but as its a hobby project i won't be able to promise anything.  As for supplies, this took roughly 5 rolls of filament (probably could have tuned it to 4), took a week of printing time for 4 boards, ModPodge, the glue, and 2 bottles of Vallejo texture paint, popsicle sticks, and various paints to complete.  

About the author:
Hi, i'm Brett, owner of MaelstromDesignworks! I am a USMC veteran and massive all-around nerd designing miniatures for tabletop wargaming. Feel free to shoot me a message about anything, questions about my models, questions about modelling, or just to show off prints! Reddit: u/MaelstromDesignworks Insta: #maelstrom_designworks


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