Transmutation Table

6 (likes)
301 (views)
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The Transmutation Table! A wonderous Magitek device that transmutes living tissue into metal laced rock, which can be further processed into smithing materials.  The exsanguination process creates a secondary byproduct of great magical value, which can be conveniently collected into reservoirs for storage or conversion into a power source for a range of automatons!   With this fantastic device, you can turn even the lowliest creature into a contributing member of Your societies infrastructure. No more petitioning those Stonelords of the Evermoor to earn favor in hopes they might share their rocks! As a matter of fact, you could turn that smug little emissary into a pile of gleaming ingot....wItH tHe TrAnSmUtAtIoN tAbLe!!!!!! This horrifying terrain piece is yet another entry into Geiravore's Clockwork Foundry set. The model is segmented and pre-hollowed.

About the author:
(News Edit!) Its November! But most of my life I couldn't eat Turkey without Santa peeking in the window, so I'm keeping it spooky! This will be a Mixed Bag Month so you can expect some fantasy AND atompunk stuff. (News Edit!) I make the things I want to use in my own games, so you will find a lot of Atompunk as well as some Fantasy and Grimdark themed terrain pieces and minis here. I've been professionally involved with 3D printing since 2006, when I worked in the McFarlane Toys prototype shop in Bloomingdale NJ.


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