Transmutation Table

4 (likes)
184 (views)
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!!Tribe Exclusive!! The Transmutation Table! A wonderous Magitek device that transmutes living tissue into metal laced rock, which can be further processed into smithing materials.  The exsanguination process creates a secondary byproduct of great magical value, which can be conveniently collected into reservoirs for storage or conversion into a power source for a range of automatons!   With this fantastic device, you can turn even the lowliest adventurer into a contributing member of your societies infrastructure. No more petitioning those Stonelords of the Evermoor to earn favor in hopes they might share their rocks! As a matter of fact, you could turn that smug little emissary into a pile of gleaming ingot....wItH tHe TrAnSmUtAtIoN tAbLe!!!!!! This horrifying terrain piece is yet another entry into Geiravore's Clockwork Foundry set.

About the author:
(News Edit!) New Month, New terrain set! This month we journey far into the storms of the Mojave to find THE HAUNTED CASINO! That won't be the final name likely, but that's the vibe I'm working with. It will be the first in what I am calling the "Welcome to Nuke Vegas" terrain series. (News Edit!) I make the things I want to use in my own games, so you will find a lot of Atompunk as well as some Fantasy themed terrain pieces and minis here. I've been professionally involved with 3D printing since 2006, when I worked in the McFarlane Toys prototype shop in Bloomingdale NJ.


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