Retro Elven Obelisk

5 (likes)
782 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

90s inspired elven obelisk for fantasy battles. Designed to be easily printed on an FDM printer with no supports.

About the author:
All of the models are designed to be printed using FDM printers and require no supports to print, but many people have printed them off using resin printers without problem. My designs are inspired by my own nostalgia and draw on the games I played when I was young. I have tried to make them as easy to print as possible and all the photos of my own prints have so far all been printed on an unmodified Ender 3 in order to demonstrate this. Please try out some of my free designs and you will see how easy they are to print and please share pictures of your prints, I get such a thrill out of seeing other people enjoy my designs.


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