Pen Holder / Makeup Accessories Holder

31 (likes)
2118 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

 Initially a pen holder, transformed by my wife into a make-up accessories holder.

About the author:
I’ve been playing wargames with miniatures or collecting toy soldiers for more than 40 years now. For the last 10 years, I have been an official dealer for several toys soldiers makers selling them through the internet or at show in Belgium, France and UK. What became my favorite part of this activity was to create and sell terrains/sceneries that would enhance the toy soldiers display (some pictures of these can be found on my facebook page). What was the best part of my activity became also the most frustrating : it was interesting and challenging to design new pieces, a bit less to reproduce them several times. On top of this frustration was the lack of time I had to produce sufficiently to respond my customers requests. It’s quite naturally that I thought 3D printing would solve this dilemma : allow me to design new pieces and let the wargamers /diorama builders print exactly what they need.


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