KS3MNI05 - John-Paul Lucardo & Anthem, The Skyefox

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3291 (views)
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Included in this set of miniatures are two of our favorite characters from the Sky Islands campaign. John-Paul is a Skysword of Aethertowne. The trusted Skyswords of Aethertowne serve and judge, jury, and if needed: executioner against those who would threaten the peaceful ways of the denizens of the cloud city. Skyswords are beloved by the people of Aethertowne as paladins without prayers, but no less devoted to the cause that burns within their souls. JP is joined by Anthem, an elusive breed of flying mammal of Skyefox. These quick-witted fur friends make great familiars or beast companions should you gain their trust.  

About the author:
Aether Studios is a digital collective of 3d sculptors, game designers, and gaming fanatics. We enjoy making entire worlds and have a library of over 18,000 terrain models and miniatures covering Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, and almost every fusion in-between. We consider it an honor to be a part of your games. Full Catalog - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vThvNtbu1mj-I8z2KN-QwadXiymqr6frUeI3XqGQCA6lPOFdusb_AI2bqoaGTvNvPMbdN70v8S1Qaqj/pubhtml?gid=435072679&single=true


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