KS2AZT0 – Aztlan Starter Set

161 (likes)
6347 (views)
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Aztlan Starter is a 3D-printable Mesoamerican tileset by Aether Studios. Aztlan was our very first original set and this introductory set will give you everything you need to get started making dungeons. This set includes a unique floor, door, and stairs models not found in other sets. It is compatible with all other DragonlockTM models. In our World of Aach'yn, Aztlan is the home of the Azite Snakefolk and is filled with primal terrors of unspeakable horror. Warring tribes of Azite fight over the control of tombs old and new, while interlopers are disposed of without a morsel of mercy. We've made over 1300 models of Aztlan terrain, scatter, and miniatures. It's one of our biggest set series. We hope you enjoy this toe dip into the world of the Azite.

About the author:
Aether Studios is a digital collective of 3d sculptors, game designers, and gaming fanatics. We enjoy making entire worlds and have a library of over 18,000 terrain models and miniatures covering Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, and almost every fusion in-between. We consider it an honor to be a part of your games. Full Catalog - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vThvNtbu1mj-I8z2KN-QwadXiymqr6frUeI3XqGQCA6lPOFdusb_AI2bqoaGTvNvPMbdN70v8S1Qaqj/pubhtml?gid=435072679&single=true


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