Hrimstead free sample

9 (likes)
197 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is a free sample from my kickstarter Hrimstead. With it you can build a primitive rural village. Maybe you want to use it for WW2 (eastern front), the wild west or something fantasy. This set contains cabin 1 and cabin 3. For cabin 1, you get a sparse interior and a straw roof. For cabin 3, you get a solid building and tile roof. In the full set, each building comes as: * Solid, no interior* Stuck door, sparse interior* Separate doors, sparse interior and separate doors that can be put on hinges (with a paperclip) In the full set, each roof comes as: * Straw* Tiles* Sod* With and without chimney

About the author:
I make 3D terrain, printable on your home 3D printer, for free. Enjoy! If you want to support my tribe, I appreciate it. You can get access to early content, access to source files, vote for new projects and even suggest what I should do next.


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