Everyday Heroes - FREEBIES!

93 (likes)
3548 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

These are the freebies for my EVERYDAY HEROES campaign on MMF FronTiers! This set includes: Rogue Human Male Cleric Dragonkin Female Warlock Elf Male Barbarian Goliath Female A GIANT scholar Wizard Human Male Warlock Human Male Ranger Elf Male Stay tuned as this campaign commences there will be many, many more!

About the author:
EC3D Design
Owner of EC3D Designs. Entrepreneur, software engineer, and 3D designer/printer who is full of passion for tabletop gaming, comics, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and the great outdoors. BOLTS AND BRIMSTONE FronTiers! https://go.ec3d.design/bolts-and-brimstone


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