Everyday Folk from EC3D - FREEBIES

351 (likes)
10343 (views)
This product is available only if you have an account in My Mini Factory service

This is a set of minis for my currently-running campaign "Everyday Folk!" You can print these right on the build plate of your resin or FDM printer with NO supports or post-printing cleanup required! Check out the full campaign on FronTiers here: https://go.ec3d.design/everyday-folk JUST ADDED Blacksmith forge, grinding wheel, and anvil Plus the Iron "twins" -- 3x dwarven smiths!  

About the author:
EC3D Design
Owner of EC3D Designs. Entrepreneur, software engineer, and 3D designer/printer who is full of passion for tabletop gaming, comics, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and the great outdoors. BOLTS AND BRIMSTONE FronTiers! https://go.ec3d.design/bolts-and-brimstone


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