AETYCH10 - Free Rent District

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1083 (views)
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This set, Tycho City Free Rent District, was one that Jon Laager and I worked on throughout the holidays of 2023. This set was a labour of love in every sense of the word, stealing time where we could to touch it up to perfection.  Several of the tiles have movie posters on the wall. 21 Creative Commons movie posters from Theaven are provided on a pdf for easy print, cut, and glue. They have some great custom movie posters and other delightful fan art, many thanks to them for releasing them under the CC3 license for us to utilize. This set was released for FREE on New Years Day. 2024. We think it is the right way to start the year off. This set requires AETYCH01 for full use, specifically for the roofs.

About the author:
Aether Studios is a digital collective of 3d sculptors, game designers, and gaming fanatics. We enjoy making entire worlds and have a library of over 18,000 terrain models and miniatures covering Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, and almost every fusion in-between. We consider it an honor to be a part of your games. Full Catalog -


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